> You have given me suggestion regarding building perl. I was
> able to make
> perl exe and libperl.so, finally I was able to test it on the
> ARM Linux
> target.
As you said you built perl exe and libperl.so, this means you improved current way of crosscompiling, which turns out to be just cross-compiling up to miniperl
Have your changes been already comitted?
> I used a sample conifg.sh-arm-linux and changed it for
> libraries and tool
> chain, and build went fine with little changes.
> It worked successfully for simple "Hello World" pl file on target.
> I wanted to know about the install step which actually copies
> the contents
> to /usr/local/lib/perl5...., there are .pm files, as they are
> going to be
> used by perl programs on target. I have to start with Tk
> porting as well.
I don't know exact details of your tool chain, but, if you indeed went further than just building "miniperl", then please consider using similar approach to "wince" crosscompiling, which keeps somewhere Config.pm for cross-compilation and this Config.pm is activated when
perl -MCross Makefile.PL
is used for building extension.
This proven to work okay for WinCE full cross-compiling.
As for porting Tk, I would suggest to cross-compile Tcl/Tk separatedly and then use Tcl::Tk from CPAN - this is much easier approach than porting entire perl/Tk
As a different question, have you tried just running existing binaries downloaded from some binary linux distribution for your processor?
I happen to run Perl and many GNU stuff on my satellite receiver with PowerPC processor with exactly this way, very easy way, you know :)
> able to make
> perl exe and libperl.so, finally I was able to test it on the
> ARM Linux
> target.
As you said you built perl exe and libperl.so, this means you improved current way of crosscompiling, which turns out to be just cross-compiling up to miniperl
Have your changes been already comitted?
> I used a sample conifg.sh-arm-linux and changed it for
> libraries and tool
> chain, and build went fine with little changes.
> It worked successfully for simple "Hello World" pl file on target.
> I wanted to know about the install step which actually copies
> the contents
> to /usr/local/lib/perl5...., there are .pm files, as they are
> going to be
> used by perl programs on target. I have to start with Tk
> porting as well.
I don't know exact details of your tool chain, but, if you indeed went further than just building "miniperl", then please consider using similar approach to "wince" crosscompiling, which keeps somewhere Config.pm for cross-compilation and this Config.pm is activated when
perl -MCross Makefile.PL
is used for building extension.
This proven to work okay for WinCE full cross-compiling.
As for porting Tk, I would suggest to cross-compile Tcl/Tk separatedly and then use Tcl::Tk from CPAN - this is much easier approach than porting entire perl/Tk
As a different question, have you tried just running existing binaries downloaded from some binary linux distribution for your processor?
I happen to run Perl and many GNU stuff on my satellite receiver with PowerPC processor with exactly this way, very easy way, you know :)